I love reading the scriptures with a dictionary close by
because it helps me understand God's words so much better. Today I was reading about patience in Preach My Gospel under the section about
Christlike Attributes. I read “Patience is the capacity to endure….” And I stopped to look up those words and here’s
kinda what it turned into..

Then I wrote down my
own definition of Capacity to Endure…
The Ability to keep
going in spite of something that is the source or cause of suffering.
So to sum it up… Patience is the ability which God has
given each of us to keep going, in spite of something that is the source or
cause of suffering, trouble, delay or opposition, without
becoming angry, frustrated, or anxious!
Now I pray for God's grace as I strive to use that ability and develop the patience I need to face adversity calmly and hopefully.
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