Thursday, May 10, 2012

Oh the joys of home ownership :)

Oh the joys of home ownership :)

As I began mowing yesterday, I noticed an odd noise. I shut off the mower and started looking/ feeling for anything loose, then reached under to see if the blade was loose...NOPE, it was gone.  I walked around our property and found the blade but not the bolt and washer.  I took one of the other blades so I could buy a matching bolt then I dialed my Dad and double checked what I needed at the store.  I got a new bolt, washer and lock nut then called it a day.

 Today, I went to tighten on the blades and called Dad again cause I couldn't torque it tight cause the blade kept spinning and I forgot how he used to do it.  He told me how to do it... "Make sure you put the blade on with the star hole fitting on the star and then tighten it on the rest of the way."..  STAR?.. oops.  I fixed it without any problems, using the board to block the blade so I could tighten it as Dad suggested.  I then went to put on the second blade and noticed the center blade was looking like it wasn't ON the star. We'd cinched it and squished the star points.  I then talked to Dad... 

"YOU CAN DO IT and you can call back if you need." is what Dad told me when I told him I was feeling a little intimidated.

With his guidance and the manual, I removed the deck, ground and filed the star until the blade fit again.

     I put it all back together and then mowed the lawn for 2 hours!!   

Thanks Dad!!!  


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