Monday, April 22, 2024

Stake Conference - Sunday Session

 These are my notes from our local church's Stake Conference yesterday.

Bro T.’s talk

    I’d like to talk to the youth. There’s a song you might know…  “If you don’t walk as most people do, some people walk away from you, But I won’t! I won’t! If you don’t talk as most people do, Some people talk and laugh at you, But I won’t! I won’t! I’ll walk with you. I’ll talk with you. That’s how I’ll show my love for you. Jesus walked away from none. He gave his love to ev’ryone. So I will! I will! Jesus blessed all he could see, Then turned and said,  “Come, follow me.” And I will! I will! I will! I will! I’ll walk with you. I’ll talk with you. That’s how I’ll show my love for you.”

    My ancestors and I know what it’s like to be treated unkindly. Be kind and forgiving always.  Jesus shared the golden rule.  Love, do good, and pray for others. 

     When our family moved to Utah, my son was in 11th grade.  He hated lunch breaks because he was alone. One day a girl noticed him and cheerfully asked him to join her group of friends. We are grateful for that kindness 21 years ago.

     Compassion is when you want what is best for another. Extend compassion by doing simple things… say Hi, smile, pat someone on the back.

    I’m going to share The Parable of The BB Gun. When I was 11, a neighbor boy invited me to shoot his bb gun. We went to a field and I stood 20 feet away while he shot things. He pumped his gun 12 times and suddenly he aimed at me.  I thought surely he wouldn’t shoot me.  I dove to the ground and covered my head, then glanced up and felt a searing pain in my eye and saw white. I thought I was in heaven.  I ran home bawling my head off.  The bb went in through my eye lid and I had a huge black eye. I did not lose my vision. In my baseball pictures a few days later my hat is pulled down almost to my nose.

            Fast forward 35 years and I was playing a game with the scouts.  I got kicked in the nose and went to the ER. They showed me an x-ray of my fractured nose but, they were more concerned with the copper bb they saw in the bottom of my left eye socket. It didn’t bother me so they left it there.   Now, I’ve never resented that boy. I didn’t wanna be his best friend, but all I felt was gratitude it was not worse.

            How will you choose to react to the unkindness of others?  Jesus said nothing to Pilate. He had a mission to fulfill. Through his atonement, we are all called back to him. We are called to bring others back with us.

Sister C’s talk

            Youth can get blessings from the temple.  President Nelson tells us that spending time in the temple helps us know who we are, who we can become, and how we fit in God’s plan. We are all different, yet the temple unifies us. We are promised many blessings if we attend the temple. It’s peaceful and quiet and helps us change. 

            President Eyring tells a story of his daughter doing temple baptisms. She was willing to do more and more until the last one on the list was done!  She did what the Lord would have her do.

            PresidentNelson taught that nothing will help you, protect you, bolster your testimony, or open the heavens more than serving in the Lord’s house.  Temples help us come closer to Christ and be like Him.

Sister O’s Talk

            I never had to go to church as a child in Smithfield, yet when I wanted to go, I was always supported.  My mom had me memorize Psalm 23. My dad and brother were dying, yet she taught me to write God’s words in my heart.  He IS my shepherd, always and every day.  Thanks Mom.   Memorizing The Living Christ has helped me. A while back, President R. asked me to write my own version of the living Christ to share at this conference.   I call it My Living Christ.  These are the feelings of my heart and my testimony.

 I marvel that He can save me from myself. He experienced all of me. He lived perfectly to show me He can overcome my imperfections. He rose from the dead so He can raise me. He fought for me. He wants me. He is my king, master, and God. He will gloriously return and rule as king of kings. May He always rule over me and my life. He died so I can live. He extends me mercy and frees me with forgiveness. He gives me calm. When I fail, the master builder builds with me again. He is my loving God. He helps me feel His love when I am so unlovable. He lives now so He can be aware of all of me. He is always the answer. May you each know that He is your Savior. I know my Redeemer lives to be all I need Him to be. I thank God for His son, Jesus Christ.

The Primary kids sang I Loveto See the Temple

 Sister L’s talk

Enos told of his wrestle with God. This week I’ve been on my knees in a wrestle with God. The Words of Mormon say, “I do not know all things, yet God knows all things.”   So many things in life fail but charity never will. I love my Savior. We’ve been through a lot and he helps me through it all.

 Brother J’s talk

Othello, by Shakespear, is a tragedy that didn’t need to happen. Othello loves his wife. When he comes home from war, they bring each other such joy. A lower officer, Iago, is jealous of Othello and wants to make him fail. He starts to introduce doubts and leads Othello to believe lies about his wife. Othello ends up smothering his wife only to discover, too late, that Iago had been lying all along. His wife had been faithful and full of love for Othello.  Othello had never asked his wife about the lies, just trusted Iago. Othello’s perception was the only thing that changed.

            Why would I tell you such a story? I see this too often in our youth… the gospel flame fades over time. Gospel items take a back seat to less spiritual, worldly sources of entertainment and interests. Do not let go of God’s truths. Nourish your testimony and worship God daily. Recognize when Satan tries to distract you. Do not let Satan win. Develop a habit of worshiping in the temple regularly.

            Satan, like Iago, is jealous. He wants to make us miserable and makes us doubt truths we already know. We must develop habits that will sustain us. Create joyful scriptures study and temple worship opportunities for your kids, but do not force them to go. Be an example to your kids of good, righteous habits. God’s love for us is infinite and unchanging. Our love for him is fragile. Our covenants will strengthen us and let us not be deceived.

Pres. R’s talk

Elder Bednar will be dedicating the Layton UT temple on June 16th!  There will be 2 sessions which will replace our normal Sunday church service.  He invites everyone to take someone with you to the temple open house from both sides of the veil. As you go through the temple, take some time to see the murals! They are beautiful. 

            Our goal in life should be to develop a Christlike character.. Here’s 4 ways to do that.

1. Luke 2:52 (And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.)    Strive to improve daily. Come to know Christ through studying the scriptures. Our faith will grow. Increasing our faith and improving is repenting.

2. Acts 10:38 ([He] went about doing good) Go about doing good. Minister (be a friend) to all, all the time.  Striving is the goal.  Love God. Love your neighbor as yourself.

3. Moroni 6:2-6 (Neither did they receive any unto baptism save they took upon them the name of Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end. And after they had been received unto baptism, and were wrought upon and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost, they were numbered among the people of the church of Christ; and their names were taken, that they  might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God, to keep them in the right way, to keep them continually watchful unto prayer, relying alone upon the merits of Christ, who was the author and the finisher of their faith. And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls. And they did meet together oft to partake of bread and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus.)

We take Christ’s name upon us through covenants. We need Jesus’ church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Matthew 28:20 (teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.)  Witness to others. What does the atonement have to do with missionary and temple work? Everything.  Make sure you’re heading in the right direction.

4. Ephesians 1:10 (That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him) The gathering is happening. Help others in normal and natural ways. Jesus is the beginning and the end. 

I am thankful for Joseph Smith. He translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God. The Priesthood has been restored to the earth. I will speak good of Joseph Smith. I know more about Jesus because of Joseph Smith!  Jesus will come again, and we will be ready!

Song – I’ll go where you want me to go

My thoughts... How blessed we are to share our faith with each other and help each other on this crazy earth journey.  Hugs and have a blessed day!

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