Friday, May 19, 2023

General Conference Oct 2021 Hilights

 These are the words that stood out to me as I reread the conference talks.  I noticed there were a lot of action words!

***Change gradually, a step at a time.  1%   ...often times change feels overwhelming, yet 1% seems doable!  

1% of a minute is .6 of a second

1% of an hour is 36 seconds

1% of a day is 14.4 minutes

1% of a week is 1.68 hours

1% of a cup is 1/2 tsp.

1% of a pound is 4.5g or about 1 t.

1% of a mile is 16 yards/paces

1% of 60 mph is .6 mph slower  

    That's like 5 minutes 3x/day.   Some stoplights are 2 minutes.   Maybe it's as simple as changing the radio station, biting my tongue, choosing to eat 1/2 tsp. less or more of something, or parking 3 spots farther, taking one flight of stairs, taking a slow breath before talking, sharing one smile, or choosing to ignore something that is not essential. 


Daily prayer and PONDERING the scriptures. 

PONDER my actions.  REVIEW the moments of my day.  CONSIDER my will and my desires in light of His.

Plead with God to restore me and commit to do better.  

Be gentle.

Small and simple acts of realignment assuredly lead us back to the Savior's way.

We need "times of refreshing".  It is God's way.   I do not need to feel guilty about taking a moment to renew my strength.  "Do not run faster than you have strength"

Keep my thoughts rolling in goodness.

Change what you think, feel, and do AT THIS VERY MOMENT.  Don't wait, do it now!

Minutes and hours well spent are the building blocks of a life well lived. They can inspire goodness, lift us from the captivity of imperfections, and lead us upward to the redemptive path of forgiveness and sanctification.

***We receive more faith by doing something that requires more faith.

The Savior knows our potential perfectly. He will stretch us and refine us to be more like Him.  We will be judged according to our works. 

In some cases, 'the spiritual stress test' will show tendencies toward contention and divisiveness. This suggests that we have work to do to change our hearts and become unified as the Savior's true disciples. 

***When we contend in anger, Satan laughs and the God of heaven weeps.


We are not His disciples when we do not TRY to show love one to another. 

Contention robs us of peace, joy and rest and our ability to feel the spirit is compromised.

A failed test does not mean I'm hopeless, it simply points out that I need to change.

A better approach to UNITY is to ask, "What can I do to foster unity?  How can I respond to help this person draw closer to Christ?  What can I do to lessen the contention and to build a compassionate and caring .... HOME, neighborhood, Church community, etc.?"

Place my discipleship of Jesus above all other considerations.  BE ONE.

Enmity is the state or feeling of being actively opposed to someone or something; it connotes hostility, antagonism, animosity, rancor, and deep-seated dislike or ill will. The Greek word translated as enmity is also translated as hate.  It's the opposite of agape, which is translated as love.

***Choose the peace of Christ.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.   It's my choice!

Learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace.

Be willing to compromise and eliminate strife with respect to matters that do not involve righteousness. Live peaceably.

Pitch our tents toward the temple.

**Love and kindness are at the center of having Zion in our hearts and homes.

Strengthen my personal spiritual foundation.  What reinforcements to my testimony and understanding of the gospel are needed?

If we are prepared, we shall not fear.   

Consider.  Ponder.  Set a regular time to rehears in my mind the covenants I've made. "Prove me now herewith"  Seek Prayerfully and consistently to understand temple covenants and ordinances.

 Learn how to part the veil between heaven and earth. **Learn how to ask for God's angels to attend me.  Learn how to better receive direction from heaven. 

Trust becomes real when we DO hard things with faith. Service and sacrifice increase capacity and refine hearts.  

We can ALWAYS trust God.

Have appropriate trust:  Trust God's inspiration to discern wisely.  

FORGIVENESS looks liberatingly to the future.  

Make a safe home for each other with kindness, understanding, and mutual respect where we each humbly seek the Lord.

Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors- which also relates our ability to be forgiven to our willingness to forgive. 

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