I'm going to focus on one verse or phrase from The Book of Mormon each day with my kids at our family morning prayer. Find the list here...
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1 Nephi 1:5
...my Father, Lehi, as he went forth prayed unto the Lord, ..."
I love that I can talk to God anytime, anywhere, and don't even need to use my voice!!! No, wait, not TO God, but WITH God. There's a difference of talking TO someone and talking WITH someone.
Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work. - Doctrine and Covenants 10:5
I remember seeing my mom kneeling in our pantry and talking to God. She knows him! My parents taught each of us kids to pray and before my dad would head off to work, whoever was awake, would gather near the kitchen door and pray as a family. I know God has answered our families many prayers, even when it wasn't in the way we expected.
Brothers and sisters, I urge you to redouble your commitment to prayer. I urge you to pray in your closets, in your daily walk, in your homes, in your wards, and always in your hearts. - M. Russell Ballard
I spent some time in the South and LOVE that religion is truly part of their every day journey! Each Friday, a different person would pray for all the youth sport teams and it would be broadcast over the radio. What a cool blessing that should be incorporated everywhere!!!
Just this week, I watched as a young boy offered a quick prayer before jumping off the diving board! God is real. He hears our prayers and thoughts and knows the desires of our hearts. He also talks to us though the Holy Spirit, or as some call it, the Holy Ghost. Tell God about your experiences and thank Him for... the gift of prayer.
? How can you try to be aware of when God's talking to you today and talk WITH Him?
! In the evening, share with each other... any special feelings or ideas that came, because you were paying more attention and listening to God!
Pray Tell God about your experiences and thank Him for... the gift of prayer.
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