Monday, May 13, 2024

Book of Mormon Minute, Pages 221-230

    Howdy! I have chosen one verse or phrase from each page of the Book of Mormon to share with my family daily.  See the list here...

Page                       Reference                                               My Thoughts


Alma 5:40 For I say unto you that whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil cometh from the devil.

Today, will I bring to this world goodness from God or evil from Satan? If it’s not good, it’s not from God. Every good thing comes from God!

...Father, please use me as a tool in thy hands to bring good to this small part of the world around me.


Alma 5:54 ...they have been brought into this church, having been sanctifieby the Holy Spirit, and they do bring forth works which are meet for repentance

As we are sanctified, we become more holy, like God. The Holy Spirit helps guide our actions that are meet, or fitting and appropriate, for us to receive forgiveness.

...Father, I want to set aside my poor choices and replace them with choices that will allow me to become better, and to receive forgiveness. Thanks for the Savior’s atonement that makes that possible.


Alma 5:60 And now I say unto you that the good shepherd doth call after you; and if you will hearken unto his voice he will bring you into his fold, and ye are his sheep; and he commandeth you that ye suffer no ravenous wolf to enter among you, that ye may not be destroyed.

God has warned us to be cautious as to what we allow in our eyes, ears, mind, and home. What ravenous wolves are we letting in? How can this destroy us?

...Father, please help me see the dangers of things that I may let into my mind or home that can separate me from heeding The Spirit. Thanks for the warning.


Alma 7:9 But behold, the Spirit hath said this much unto me, saying: Cry unto this people, saying—Repent ye, and prepare the way of the Lord, and walk in his paths, which are straight; for behold, the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and the Son of God cometh upon the face of the earth.

He came. He will come again! Let us prepare for when he comes again. What’s something we know we can do to be prepared for his unexpected arrival?

...Father, only you know the exact time when Jesus will come again. I pray for your guidance to help myself and others be spiritually prepared to meet Him!


7:14 Now I say unto you that ye must repent, and be born again; for the Spirit saith if ye are not born again ye cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye may be washed from your sins, that ye may have faith on the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, who is mighty to save and to cleanse from all unrighteousness.

God can fix all our wrongs. Do we believe that He can help us change and improve? Do we believe he can help us overcome our temptations and stay spiritually strong?

...Father, I want to get rid of my sins so I can be saved. You tell us that no unclean thing can live with you. Please help me recognize and find the strategies to change in a manner pleasing to thee.


7:23-24 And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive. And see that ye have faith, hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works.

This is a lifelong process. Start small. Learn what these words and phrases mean. Then, pick one you feel you need to improve. Talk with God about it. Choose one thing you’re going to start or stop doing this week. Each day, visit with God about how you’re doing. Keep improving a little each day.

...Father, I want to improve by being ___. I could start trying to __ or try to stop __. (At night… Father, please bring to my mind how my attempt to improve being ____ went today. I think I ___….)


Alma 8:15 Blessed art thou, Alma; therefore, lift up thy head and rejoice, for thou hast great cause to rejoice; for thou hast been faithful in keeping the commandments of God from the time which thou receivedst thy first message from him. Behold, I am he that delivered it unto you.

As long as I’m being faithful and keeping God’s commandments, I have no need to feel guilty or sad. Am I letting Satan steal my joy?

...Father, thank you for peace and joy and the knowledge we have of our Savior and your love for us. Please help me recognize Satan’s lies and your truths. I wanna feel joyful!


Alma 8:32 And it came to pass that they went forth and began to preach and to prophesy unto the people, according to the spirit and power which the Lord had given them.

What does God expect me to do today? President Nelson said, “Anytime we do anything to help anyone on either side of the veil to come closer to Christ and making covenants with Him (like the sacrament each week), we’re helping to gather Israel and that’s the most important thing we can do.”

...Father, please help me to do much good today and not just wait for you to tell me exactly what is needed, yet be willing to do your will, which often comes at inopportune times :). Thanks for using me!


Alma 9:13 Behold, do ye not remember the words which he spake unto Lehi, saying that: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper in the land? And again it is said that: Inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord.

When you face a choice… ask yourself, will this help me keep the commandments and feel The Spirit?

...Father, I want to keep your commandments and feel the peace of The Spirit always. Heaven must feel pretty amazing! Thank you for the gift of the Holy Ghost to be with me always!


Alma 9:20-21 Yea, after having been such a highly favored people of the Lord; yea, after having been favored above every other nation, kindred, tongue, or people; after having had all things made known unto them, according to their desires, and their faith, and prayers, of that which has been, and which is, and which is to come; Having been visited by the Spirit of God; having conversed with angels, and having been spoken unto by the voice of the Lord; and having the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and also many gifts, the gift of speaking with tongues, and the gift of preaching, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the gift of translation;

Wow!!! let’s read that again and imagine what it would be like to be alive at that time or have that ability now around us!!!… Maybe that’s what it’s like to be a prophet… That is amazing!

...Father, I wanna be able to be in tune with thee and to do only that which is pleasing to thee. I want to be a tool in thy hands and feel your peace and bring it to others!

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