Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Book of Mormon Minute, Pages 321-330

     Howdy! I have chosen one verse or phrase from each page of the Book of Mormon to share with my family daily.  See the list here...

Page                       Reference                                               My Thoughts


Alma 45:12 Yea, and this because they shall dwindle in unbelief and fall into the works of darkness, and lasciviousness, and all manner of iniquities; yea, I say unto you, that because they shall sin against so great light and knowledge, yea, I say unto you, that from that day, even the fourth generation shall not all pass away before this great iniquity shall come.

Dwindle is a slow process. We do not instantly turn from righteous to wicked, Satan sneaks his way in into our thoughts, words, actions, and desires. We have to stay strong for us and for the generations to come.

...Father, help me recognize where I’m weak so I can strengthen myself against anything that will draw me away from thy spirit.


Alma 46:8 Thus we see how quick the children of men do forget the Lord their God, yea, how quick to do iniquity, and to be led away by the evil one.

We have to work hard every day, and all throughout the day to stay close to the spirit. Each week as we partake of the sacrament, we again promise to remember Jesus.

...Father, I’m gonna mess up today. Help me to realize when I mess up so I can quickly return to thy paths and learn from my mistakes.


Alma 46:15 And those who did belong to the church were faithful; yea, all those who were true believers in Christ took upon them, gladly, the name of Christ, or Christians as they were called, because of their belief in Christ who should come.

Do you believe that Christ lived on earth, atoned for our sins, was resurrected, and will come again? How does that belief affect our choices?

...Father, I want to be full of faith in my Savior and in thee. Please help me when my faith isn’t strong enough.


Alma 46:27 And now who knoweth but what the remnant of the seed of Joseph, which shall perish as his garment, are those who have dissented from us? Yea, and even it shall be ourselves if we do not stand fast in the faith of Christ.

If we do not make sure every day to try to do what God’s asked of us, we will lose the strength of our faith and testimony.

...Father, I do not want to fall away. Please help me to stay strong and faithful to thee. Please help me to use my time wisely and in a manner pleasing to thee.


Alma 46:40 And there were some who died with fevers, which at some seasons of the year were very frequent in the land—but not so much so with fevers, because of the excellent qualities of the many plants and roots which God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases, to which men were subject by the nature of the climate

God already placed healing solutions for us on earth. These remedies have been forgotten or lost cause they were not taught to the next generation. What can we learn about to help keep ourselves and others healthy so we can be ready and able tools for God?

...Father, I believe that you’re prepared ways for us to stay healthy, yet Satan knows the power that food has on our bodies. Please help me find true sources of knowledge to keep myself and my family healthy.


Alma 47:8 Now it was not Amalickiah’s intention to give them battle according to the commandments of the king; but behold, it was his intention to gain favor with the armies of the Lamanites, that he might place himself at their head and dethrone the king and take possession of the kingdom.

Let us not use others for our gain or seek power over others. We’re all part of God’s team and should help each other return honorably to God after our earthly journey has finished.

...Father, today when I’m not helping others and feeling frustrated, help me remember examples of folks like Mother Theresa who sought to do good and help, not pull others down.


Alma 47:30 And the army which pursued after them returned, having pursued after them in vain; and thus Amalickiah, by his fraud, gained the hearts of the people.

Let us not be deceived. Satan will never stop trying to help us fail. Will we fail to keep trying?

...Father, please help me to know truth from error. Help me keep my heart focused on Thee and thy son, my brother Jesus.


Alma 48:7 Now it came to pass that while Amalickiah had thus been obtaining power by fraud and deceit, Moroni, on the other hand, had been preparing the minds of the people to be faithful unto the Lord their God.

How will we use our time? Will we strive daily, hourly, and even each minute to keep our faith and desires in line with God’s desires for us?

...Father, help me today as I seek to use my time wisely and in ways that build my faith and helps others feel your love.


Alma 48:16 And also, that God would make it known unto them whither they should go to defend themselves against their enemies, and by so doing, the Lord would deliver them; and this was the faith of Moroni, and his heart did glory in it; not in the shedding of blood but in doing good, in preserving his people, yea, in keeping the commandments of God, yea, and resisting iniquity.

What does my heart glory in? Do I find joy in doing good and being kind, helping others, and obey God with as much exactness as possible? Or do I find God’s commandments to be a burden?

...Father, I know I feel your peace when I choose to be kind, helpful, patient, obedient to thee, challenging myself to improve, and when I visit with thee in prayer. Thanks for that peace!


Alma 49:2 And behold, the city had been rebuilt, and Moroni had stationed an army by the borders of the city, and they had cast up dirt round about to shield them from the arrows and the stones of the Lamanites; for behold, they fought with stones and with arrows.

How can I rebuild myself after mistakes so I’m stronger against evil and wiser?

...Father, as I recognize my mistakes, may I focus on what I can learn from them and not feel shame. Mistakes are part of the journey. Please, help me to improve daily in small ways that will add up to big changes over my lifetime.

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