Saturday, August 10, 2024

Book of Mormon Minute, Pages 331-340

   Howdy! I have chosen one verse or phrase from each page of the Book of Mormon to share with my family daily.  See the list here...

Page                       Reference                                               My Thoughts


Alma 49:14 But behold, to their astonishment, the city of Noah, which had hitherto been a weak place, had now, by the means of Moroni, become strong, yea, even to exceed the strength of the city Ammonihah.

How will we work to make our weakness our strength? We can ask God to show us our weaknesses and then work to slowly overcome them one by one. Let us be gracious of others weaknesses too for we all have em.

...Father, please help me recognize a weakness that I can develop into a strength. Help me find ways to improve in a manner that pleases thee.


Alma 49:20 Thus they were prepared, yea, a body of their strongest men, with their swords and their slings, to smite down all who should attempt to come into their place of security by the place of entrance; and thus were they prepared to defend themselves against the Lamanites.

How do we defend against Satan? We start by focusing on Jesus. Learn about where we came from, why we’re here and where we will go after death. Determine to obey all of God’s commandments and ask for God’s help to do the things we need to do daily to keep us close to The Spirit.

...Father, thanks that I can pray to you each day. Please help me make time to do what’s most important...visiting with thee, studying thy words, preparing to partake of the sacrament each Sabbath, being still, and doing my best to be kind to all, including myself.


Alma 50:12 Thus Moroni, with his armies, which did increase daily because of the assurance of protection which his works did bring forth unto them, did seek to cut off the strength and the power of the Lamanites from off the lands of their possessions, that they should have no power upon the lands of their possession.

Cut off Satan’s power. Satan only has power if we give it to him. Let us not give away our power but let us grow stronger through Christ.

...Father, I need your help to stay strong and focused on the best things. Please help me recognize where I’m giving away my power to Satan so I can take it back and receive more from thee. Thanks


Alma 50:20 Blessed art thou and thy children; and they shall be blessed, inasmuch as they shall keep my commandments they shall prosper in the land. But remember, inasmuch as they will not keep my commandments they shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord.

Our contentions remove us from the Holy Ghost. Or obedience to God’s commandments brings us blessings. Let us strive to have kind thoughts, words, actions and desires.

...Father, all folks living on earth are thy kids and we all chose Jesus in heaven. Please help me guide my words, thoughts, and actions in paths of kindness.


Alma 50:35 And it came to pass that the army which was sent by Moroni, which was led by a man whose name was Teancum, did meet the people of Morianton; and so stubborn were the people of Morianton, (being inspired by his wickedness and his flattering words) that a battle commenced between them, in the which Teancum did slay Morianton and defeat his army, and took them prisoners, and returned to the camp of Moroni. And thus ended the twenty and fourth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi.

What inspires us? Be careful. God will always inspire us to do good, be kind, and become better. Satan will encourage us to have temporary fun and be selfish.

...Father, please help me to be aware today of how I spend my time and where my thoughts are leading thy peace or away from thy peace. I wanna choose kindness, please help me desire thy will today.


Alma 51:7 And it came to pass that this matter of their contention was settled by the voice of the people. And it came to pass that the voice of the people came in favor of the freemen, and Pahoran retained the judgment-seat, which caused much rejoicing among the brethren of Pahoran and also many of the people of liberty, who also put the king-men to silence, that they durst not oppose but were obliged to maintain the cause of freedom.

Am I doing things today because I feel obliged, legally required, or because I am truly thankful? The way I approach each interaction and task will greatly affect my attitude during and after. Try to be grateful for each person and opportunity today.

...Father, today I’m gonna try to be grateful in ALL things and for all things. There’s a purpose in all thy creations. Even my breath, abilities, and knowledge are blessings from thee. I am truly blessed. Thanks


Alma 51:16 For it was his first care to put an end to such contentions and dissensions among the people; for behold, this had been hitherto a cause of all their destruction. And it came to pass that it was granted according to the voice of the people.

What’s our highest priority, our first care? May we strive today to put an end to ALL contentions in our lives. Find ways to talk and interact that brings God’s peace.

...Father, help us today to discover how to think and interact in ways that do not cause contentions. Please, help us find ways of peace to replace our contentious ways.


Alma 5:21 ….fight valiantly for their freedom from bondage.

Valiantly means being afraid and trying. People who are brave are still afraid of things. Fear keeps us safe at times but does not need to control us. Let us be aware of the dangers, choose to stand courageously with Christ and remain free from Satan’s bondage.

...Father, thanks for a Savior who stands with us along this earthly journey. I don’t know how that’s possible, but I feel thy peace and the comfort of Thy Spirit as I try to do thy will and do good, focusing on the eternal picture.


Alma 52:6 But he kept his men round about, as if making preparations for war; yea, and truly he was preparing to defend himself against them, by casting up walls round about and preparing places of resort.

How do we prepare daily to defend ourselves and our families against Satan’s attacks? Where are our places of resort, where we receive help and protection from life’s struggles?

...Father, thanks for safe places, our homes, churches, temples, nature and safe people. Please help us to fortify our safe places against evil. May we make these places and ourselves places of peace, rest, healing, and help.


Alma 52:15 But behold, it came to pass in the twenty and seventh year of the reign of the judges, that Teancum, by the command of Moroni—who had established armies to protect the south and the west borders of the land, and had begun his march towards the land Bountiful, that he might assist Teancum with his men in retaking the cities which they had lost

We need to strengthen ourselves before we can strengthen others. Make a list of simple things you can do this week to strengthen yourself. Those ways could be physically, spiritually, emotionally, or socially. Try to reach your goal for the next 7 days.

...Father, thanks for examples of goodness and strength. Please guide me to know thy will for me. How can I strengthen myself this week to become stronger against Satan and a tool of good for thee?

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