Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Book of Mormon Minute, Pages 391-400

  Howdy! I have chosen one verse or phrase from each page of the Book of Mormon to share with my family daily.  See the list here...

Page                       Reference                                               My Thoughts


Helaman 10:5 And now, because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness, behold, I will bless thee forever; and I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works; yea, even that all things shall be done unto thee according to thy word, for thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will.

When we’ve shown God that we are trustworthy, He magnifies our abilities. I can increase my faith by doing things that challenge my faith.

...Heavenly Father, I’d like to have more faith. I’d like to be someone you can trust. Please help me recognize your path, when I’m on it and when I am off, so I can quickly return. Thanks


Helaman 10:16 But behold, the power of God was with him, and they could not take him to cast him into prison, for he was taken by the Spirit and conveyed away out of the midst of them.

When we’re on God’s errand and doing what he needs us to do, He protects us!

...Father, sometimes I forget that doing small things is still important. Thanks for helping me make time to visit with thee, study thy word, and do much good because I wanna, not because I have to.


Helaman 11:7 And it came to pass that thus he did go forth in the Spirit, from multitude to multitude, declaring the word of God, even until he had declared it unto them all, or sent it forth among all the people.

We know God’s truth. Do we have the courage to be an example that speaks God’s words? Will we share God’s word, with our actions and words, among all people we come across today or will we be a stumbling block to em and us?

...Father, please help me to be an example of faith, hope, and thy goodness today. Thanks.


Helaman 11:23 And in the seventy and ninth year there began to be much strife. But it came to pass that Nephi and Lehi, and many of their brethren who knew concerning the true points of doctrine, having many revelations daily, therefore they did preach unto the people, insomuch that they did put an end to their strife in that same year.

Each time the Holy Spirit speaks to us, we’re receiving revelation. We have the ability to live in a way that we receive and recognize the Holy Spirit in our lives.

...Father, I’m grateful for the ability to have the constant help of The Spirit. Please help me to learn and become aware of how you communicate with me through The Spirit.


Helaman 12:2 Yea, and we may see at the very time when he doth prosper his people...yea, and in fine, doing all things for the welfare and happiness of his people; yea, then is the time that they do harden their hearts, and do forget the Lord their God, and do trample under their feet the Holy One—yea, and this because of their ease, and their exceedingly great prosperity.

God has blessed you plentifully. How can you make sure you are remembering to thank God? Your life, your body, your heart and breath, are all God’s gifts to you. What you do with your life, body, heart, and breath… is your gift to God.

...Father, all that I have comes from you. Thank you for this imperfect body. May I use my body only to bring glory to your name. Amen.


Helaman 12:7-8 O how great is the nothingness of the children of men; yea, even they are less than the dust of the earth. For behold, the dust of the earth moveth hither and thither, to the dividing asunder, at the command of our great and everlasting God.

Strive today to be as obedient to God as the dust of the earth. Strive to obey immediately, exactly, and with honor.

...Father, you challenge us to build our faith by doing things that take faith. I’m not sure how today will go, but I’m gonna try to obey you quickly and with exactness as much as I can today. Thanks for this faith building opportunity.


Helaman 12:23 Therefore, blessed are they who will repent and hearken unto the voice of the Lord their God; for these are they that shall be saved.

We’re gonna make mistakes. Yet, will we choose to quickly repent when we recognize our error? Will we hearken to God’s voice so we can be saved?

...Father, help me to hear thy voice today. Help me to recognize my errors quickly so I can make a course correction and return to thy path. Thanks.


Helaman 13:7 And behold, an angel of the Lord hath declared it unto me, and he did bring glad tidings to my soul. And behold, I was sent unto you to declare it unto you also, that ye might have glad tidings; but behold ye would not receive me.

How can we use our words to be only tidings that may bring gladness to others? We can be kind and firm, understanding, yet not agreeing. We can choose calmness and God’s peace.

...Father, as I go through today, please help me be aware of my words and actions. Please help me to make them in accordance with thy will.


Helaman 13:19 For I will, saith the Lord, that they shall hide up their treasures unto me; and cursed be they who hide not up their treasures unto me; for none hideth up their treasures unto me save it be the righteous;...

What are our treasures? What are our burdens? Do we need to adjust our perspective and realize our current burdens are actually God’s treasures?

...Father, help me be aware of what my treasures and burdens are. Please help me see adjust my priorities to give my time and energy to what truly is most important eternally.


Helaman 14:2 And behold, he said unto them: Behold, I give unto you a sign; for five years more cometh, and behold, then cometh the Son of God to redeem all those who shall believe on his name.

Prophets said Jesus would come and….Jesus Came!

...Father, thanks for the words of prophets and for being a God of truth. Thanks that we can rely on you always. Please help us be prepared to welcome Jesus when he returns.

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